Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Boyfriend

      My boyfriend of 11.5 yrs turns 29 today.
 (I know we are married and I should call him my hubby...but I don't want to.)

He is amazing, kind, caring, compassionate, smart... and HOT.

I am still a shallow 16yr old at heart when I look at him... I still feel the pitter patter in my heart for him.

We still celebrate our dating anniversary...much to the dismay of some of our friends who think that we are   "nerds".

I cant wait to see what the next 11.5 years brings us...

And I cant wait to see if he gets gray hair. (SO FLIPPIN HOT)


  1. So cute Amber! I remember you being 16 and so crazy about him! Such a sweet story the two of you have!

  2. Happy Birthday to your boyfriend!! and grey hair? TOTALLY HOT!!!

  3. love this! so cute! happy birthday E!!!
    love that you are calling him your boyfriend! =)

  4. You are going to have yourself a silver fox! lol Gray hair is totally HOT!
